TRO HGV Sutton Bank

Late for Work Again

/ #34

2015-05-14 10:44

I travel up Sutton Bank every weekday and see the carnage caused by trucks on a daily basis; needless to say I am late for work on a regular basis and have started taking a photo and sending it to my manager as proof - or directing him to the webcam to see for himself.

From a Safety aspect I regularly have to overtake a stalled truck on blind bends, going up hill to get past them - its only a matter of time before someone is killed.

On more than one occasion I have experience trucks reversing or rolling down into the oncoming traffic as they cannot get any further. I now stay well back from trucks as they attempt the climb but have seen cars tailgating them and then drivers panic when they realise the articulated missile 2ft in front of them is rolling back (and the driver cannot see them).
Some misguided truckers decide that it would be a clever thing to do to try to turn round - usually getting jammed/jack-knifed in the process - and blocking the road completely - taking out hedges, walls, salt bins or curbs in doing so.

This of course requires the police (tax payers expense) to sort out the mess.

Maybe if the bill for police time, repair of roads, verges, hedges etc was sent to the transport company along with a hefty fine they would think twice.

Caravans historically were banned for obvious reasons, but as most caravans now are towed by 4wd with sufficient towing capacity, they are more likely to succeed than a truck.

Problem is - where do you stop - I know of several occassions when horseboxes or livestock trailers have become stuck as well.  Do you ban the lot of them??