TRO HGV Sutton Bank


/ #39

2015-05-26 09:43

In response to Comment 38 by Ladybear.

You are absolutely right, Snek Yat and White Horse Bank are impractical. Everyone shares your concerns, but where do you think traffic diverts to every time Sutton Bank becomes blocked - all of the surrounding villages by unsuitable narrow roads. Reduce the blockages and reduce such diversions.

HGV blockages affect residents in the general locality, together with all road users, including hauliers and their businesses. There are direct and indirect economic costs respectively to Council Tax payers, due to Police and Fire and Resue responses to blockages; and business personnel delayed by being caught up in the ensuing mayhem. 

Local hauliers and other hauliers who are capable of ascending Sutton Bank would be allowed to use the route by permit.

In 2004, North Yorkshire County Council undertook a review of Sutton Bank which involved creating a Freight Quality Partnership. An expensive study was carried out by Faber Maunsell Consulting Engineers on their behalf and their recommendations included:

  1. Lorry specific signing to route traffic from the South via A64 York and Malton
  2. Show 1 in 4 sections on maps
  3. Laybys with Information Points on the A1 and A19
  4. VMS sign reflecting weather, e.g. if wet sign shows "no lorries > 26 tonnes"
  5. Better turnaround points on Sutton Bank
  6. Redesign hairpin, reducing camber of inside curve

11 years on and none of these recommendations have been implemented. However, we understand that our campaign may have resulted in North Yorkshire County Council revisiting this issue, and every signature on this petition should help us press for a solution.

In your comment, you say there isn't an alternative, but a combination of the suggested TRO and the recommendations above is the best alternative. Incidenatally, where do all of the HGV's go during the annual weekly maintenance shutdown of Sutton Bank? Probably on more suitable A-roads to the North and South.