Keep 19 Kids and Counting on TLC!

Strong supporter

/ #2983 Re:

2015-05-27 00:53

#1: -  

 We support the duggars family.  They did the right thing by going to the elders and getting the police involved. TLC wants a reality show.  This is true reality.  Let them see that no family is perfect but forgiveness goes a long way.  Josh I am sure is humiliated by this transgression and would do anything to take it back.  TLC needs to get a grip and realize that when they put a show on that is reality they need to support reality. TLC should not run away when a real life reality happens.  To TLC is all about the money.  They received a full share of money. That is what it all comes down too.  KEEP THE SHOW ON TLC AND SUCK IT UP.  IT'S REALITY...