Save portlaoise A&E services now following the Leaked Report of the Midlands. Hospital group management .


/ #13

2015-06-03 19:24

Portlaoise Accident and Emergency service is a much needed, life saving service that we need open 24/7. The community has been fighting closures and downgrades at Portlaoise Hospital for years. We need to change the political will to something more positive and get continuity of the current 24 hour service for the expanding population of Laois and the surrounding Dublin commuter belt. Complex Surgery may need to move however however how does closing an Accident and Emergency Department at night provide for better and safer care sooner? It doesn't. Services may need to be streamlined but streamlined should not mean almost halving the service currently in place an adequate solution which is consistent, reliable and functional for the whole communities needs, should be in place. I think it's a basic human right.