know thyself

/ #8

2015-08-15 21:22

Forced medication is an act of terrorism. No one has given written consent to ingest this toxic chemical, or to what amount they wish to receive...if any at all. Also, the only supposed benefit is for teeth, (yet that's also been shown to cause more cavities) so why must we expose every other organ in our body to a substance which is only meant to help teeth? Anyone who wishes to use fluoride can simply get their self a tube of tooth paste and apply it topically. It clearly makes no sense to swallow it. Look at the warning on the tube, call poison control of swallowed! The good news is that so many people have become aware of this issue. That's the first step to a change. Maybe our government does not have our best interest and well-being in mind. But there are more of us than them. This too shall pass. A beautiful new world is coming to fruition. Please support/like my new facebook page advocated the ban on fluoride in the USA, just as many other countries have done. Www.facebook.com/banfluorideUSA

Love and Light to you all.
