PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down


/ #1816

2015-12-11 21:12

One day, my Children will need a better future. The decrease in educated decitionmaking from leadership has destroyed the people view of a brighter future in their country. The presidents source of influence, character and values can be seen and understood cleary in his actions. He's not an example of leadership, He's not build to build this country, he's not meant for the role he should have filled and executed possatively through planning. Taking vital aspects into consideration that benefits the future of its people. He, Jacob Zuma, failed drasticly. People, human beings that lives in the current circumstances of SA knows that its wrong to keep him in a respected position. We love our country, and theirfor we hurt when leadership and organizations fail in their responsability. Telling the truth sets a person free, its time for him to step down, atmitting he's not capable to lead people, South-African people, towards a possative future.