PETITION: We the people of South Africa want Jacob Zuma to step down


/ #2578

2015-12-12 12:51

I'm not one to judge people, or try bring people down, but at the end of the day, a plethora of negative facts are displayed around our president. They are not conducive to an economic and demographic transition towards the equality of rights, incomes, and the idea of long term development in the best interest of the majority of the people of this country.
Unfortunately, he has failed to deliver an appropriate plan which should span over the next 40 years, to delegate our resources that are wasted on high salaries, towards creating infrastructure where is none, education where there is none, and income where there is none. This is not a short journey. Its a selfless and persistent journey in which we have to be able to give without greed, and care without want. I'm sorry, Jacob Zuma, this is not personal. Its just a amalgamation of the facts. You're incapable of such things on the level we need you to be, so you has to go. Whatever you all can do to make this happen, please. Try. Make an effort. Sign a petition, join a march. Act like we all did towards the #universityfeesmustfall campaign. Because what not many people understand, is that the majority of our items that we need on a daily basis, are based on the dollar. If our exchange rate gets destroyed anymore, we all, will have nothing left.