Save teddy from being put down


/ #1281

2016-04-30 01:26

This is outrageous! People laugh at me when I say Doggy Rasism but it really is, how else can you simply put it?!? It's definetly not a joke, just as rediculous as it sounds listening to someone say that is just as rediculous (a million times worse) as someone FOLLOWING through on taking an innocent life based on that notion! Humanity is being able to feel love and compasion but that doesn't just extend to human life it should extent to all life ... all life is valuable on this planet and everything has a purpose just because you dont understand it or dont see how it effects your daily life does not mean its not valuable! Please their are enough A - holes in this world (as tragic as it is to accept there will always be people born to hate but you can control what you do and do your part in helping to spread love) and you dont need to be one of them! Do something for someone else ... but really do something not just to say you did something. What do you see when you look in the mirror every morning?