Protect Canada - Trudeau's resignation


/ #148

2016-10-24 00:42

Trudeau is projecting himself to be a traitor; anti Canada. Carbon tax is too much for Canadians. No proof of climate issues; political propaganda. Main stream media force feeding Canadians about Trudeau's positive leadership. Canadians know it's biased and influenced by Liberal agenda. Carbon is necessary, not a threat. Carbon tax appears to be a ruse, to generate $ for non Canadian issues, like UN agenda and Iran. He shows no ability or patriotism to lead Canada. Arrogant and unaccountable. Always taking selfies... where does he find the time. Bypasses a ceremony of two military killed by jihadist, on Oct.22, 2014. Affluent lifestyle, he entitles himself with no budget. Misuses taxpayers money. Vacations a lot! Renovating his home at taxpayers' expense. Hiring incompetent cabinet, not qualified and proving to be ineffective. Enabling PM, as is the Liberal party. Lying to Canadians. Possible rigged election win via George Soros. Associates with George Soros, whose agenda is to slam western civilization with refugees. Soros also associated with ISIS. Soros past is evil, sinister and corrupt. Why does he have so much interest in Trudeau, Obama and Clintons? Trudeau is unfit, sociopathic and a self enabler with personal ideologies interfering with Canada's overall best interests. Just getting started....