
Corinne Sutcliffe

/ #19

2017-06-09 17:02

It's a shame that this person is not dog friendly. We are locals that respect this park and we clean up after our dogs. It's those that come in when it's quieter and deliberately use the park as a dog toilet, in the same way these people dump mattresses, as I saw this week. Queen's Park is lovely and looked after by the Friends of the park and their volunteers. It is unfair that our dogs cannot be allowed to have their excercise in their local park, some elderly people have a dog for company and can't physically walk a great deal, so letting their dogs off the lead allows the dogs to be free and have essential excercise. Those that are sensible and have a dog that is unpredictable, will have the dog on its lead. I have seen so much damage done to the park by young people, who find it's fun to destroy, maybe they should be on a leash. Dogs need to socialise, the same as humans, your children need to socialise with other children and be able to run free, so do dogs. I only have a small garden, so not enough space to  excercise him. I ensure he does his business in the garden before he enters the park. Everyone dog owner I know are particular about cleaning up after their dogs, catching the few that don't is out of our control. At one point we had officers watching for poo offenders, but that seems to have gone. Dogs are a big part of people's lives and seeing them run free and play with other dogs is wonderful.