Petition for a Balanced Calendar in Cobb Schools


/ #132 think before making changes

2012-01-16 04:32

#1: -  

As a teacher, the balance calendar is nice and the breaks are good, however, the orginal balanced calendar was not well thought out and the breaks did not make academic sense. If reviewing the schedule again, consider that all kids need routine  and predictablitiy.They thrive on it.  Breaks should be logical, for example: at mid-term or end of quarters, not at week 6 or 7... it just causes confusion and the  loss of academic momentum. Plan wisely and the balance calendar could be a win for all those involved. Example back out of the calendar from December break... ensuring that the quarter is complete before the kids have the 2 weeks off. And back out from the end of quarters so students don't need to complete major assignments or study for exams during "breaks"-- honestly, for most kids the work just won't happen . Overall . in making these kinds of decisions teachers in all age groups should be asked for input.