Petition to Keep Mr. Almasian at Jackson Davis Elementary

concerned parent

/ #9

2012-05-22 00:53

Please do not allow Dr. Russo to run our Henrico Schools "like a business." Mr. Almasian is such a successful principal that replacing a dedicated administrator seems like an agenda that is not part of the proven Henrico Co. vision.
Strategic Plan (taken from the HCPS Vision and Mission Statement)
•We will always base our decisions and actions on the best interests of students.
•We will always conduct ourselves with honesty, respect and integrity.
•We will value the input of others.
•We will never give up on any student.
•We will never tolerate discrimination.
•We will never compromise excellence.
It is NOT in the best interest of the students to replace Mr. Almasian. Students love, trust and respect his leadership. How can you explain that Mr. Almasian "isn't good enough anymore" to JDES students?
"We will value the imput of others." - Hopefully, School Board members will understand how JDES parents value the committment that Mr. Almasian has made to our school. We believe that he can only bring MORE success to our children, and we look forward to his leadership for many years to come.