Minecraft for ARMv6!

emporion ring

/ #44 Mojang..(continued)

2012-08-07 00:06

But,WHY we post comments here for this petition with thats "Do it Mojang please".We can simply send an email(at the adress notch@mojang.com)and this company will EVEN has a little interest to open the email and a very little chance to do what we say(You know the simple words and the Mojang's aprobations are not enough to create,to write the source file to compile etc etc.
But an another way its to made your minecraft(crappycraft,pickaxecraft,thisisnotminecraftcraft,hatefortresscraft etc etc)with your platform and with your chunk system or a simple terrain generator.Good Luck with the email and also good luck to made a minecraft application.Thanks for the gived time.