
Quoted post

Mark Griffith

#14 Re:

2014-03-25 18:19

#12: fourpawsfriend -

The point you all seem to be missing is that although you maybe responsible dog owners . There are many who aren't !! So do you think it is fair for people to take their kids to a park that has piles of dog crap among the grass. It is park ! It should be enjoyed by people without the fear of steping in crap ! The park is disgusting as it is. There is also the point about dogs biting kids ! How many of you would let a dog that you don't know be in a room unatended with your kids ?? Although it's an open area there would be little chance of someone being able to stop a child being bitten! If you don't agree then you are simply bad parents !!!



#15 Re: Re:

2014-03-25 22:03:43

#14: Mark Griffith - Re:

Theres a large area of green and the parks enclosed and dogs are forbidden this was the reason it was enclosed in the first place.... If a dogs aggressive it shouldnt be off the lead and everyone i know who walks their dog in cyd park has full control over there dog ... were restricted on every beach so what you are forgetting is the fact that dogs still need the right to be able to excersise and the responsible dog owners shouldnt be punished by the minority of the irrepsonsible dog owners its not far to tar everyone with the same brush ... the park is not disguisting its a beautiful park and certainly does not have ''piles of crap'' the volunteers of queens park do a amazing job of keeping the park free of rubbish with lovely plants and many of them are dog owners who walk their dogs in the park daily

Freedom for Trix.

#16 Re: Re:

2014-03-25 22:26:17

#14: Mark Griffith - Re:

Hi Mark,

Can I just say, clearly your comment "The park is disgusting" can not be refered to Queens Park, as I walk my dog there 2/3 times a day, my children and friends children play in the park. There is also an enclosed play area for children where dogs are quite rightly banned and I can promise you Queens Park craig y don is not in anyway filled with "crap" as you put it.

I often pick up litter thrown from children on the park, and would also point out that just recently the daffodils planted by the volunteers from the park have been pulled up by children. Just the other day two parents watched while there children pulled off the heads of the daffs and threw them, without saying a word!

However this petition is regaurding dog walkers of Queens Park, clearly you might be confused, as it is not a debate.



Hilary Holgate

#18 Re: Re:

2017-06-06 21:09:21

#14: Mark Griffith - Re:  

And of course your children are not to blame for the guttering and downspout being ripped off the hut in the park, plants pulled up and flowers scattered about, litter, holes in the hedge where children have pushed their way through the plants, teenagers breaking the equipment in the play area, and now somebody's little darling has carved out a lot of the wood on one of the benches kindly provided for older or handicapped people to use.  Dopgs don't do any of this.  They just want to run.  You are, of course, a dog hater, but even if you don't like them, they need to run free to get enough exercise.  Have you thought about the many old people in the area who go into the park to throw a ball for their dog because they can't walk very far now, so couldn't exercise them on leads?


How would you like your children to be kept on a leash all day (I must say that we see a lot of children in this park who should be).  One of my rescue dogs was hit in the face by a football purposely kicked at her by a young boy, and is now terrified every time she sees a football.


There's room for everyone in this park, so let's let dogs have a happy time in there too, and run for the fun of it.