Against Du Noon residents' settlement relocation

Quoted post

The PPL Want to KNOW


2014-10-30 11:11

I Say Follow The Money Trail... Who is looking to benifit from relocating the ppl of du noon. This will probably lead to a private investors seeking a commercial venture, that would be benifiting only themselves. Where as the move wont only cause increase in violence but furthermore poverty.. Many of the ppl in du noon work in the surrounding area, for them to move will cost the employers including the ppl of that community. How will the Kensington community cope with the increase of ppl, considering our police station, clinics, doctors, also our roads. As rate payers we as the community have the right..LOOK at the policy of Sea Point rate payers, they will not allow it. Why should We Accept it when its only seeking to benifit but a Hand Full..

Again We Would LIke to Know WHO is Financing this Project? 



#29 Re:

2014-10-30 15:32:50

#11: The PPL Want to KNOW -  

 Oh you hit the nail on the head. The rich lining their already overloaded pockets once again at the expense of the working class.