Save Byrne Creek Forest East

Quoted post



2017-10-21 03:00

Mayor Derek Corrigan and Director of Housing and Planning Lou Pellettier leave out no opportunity to refer to the additional 40,000 people that will make Burnaby home by 2021, or the 125,000 people by 2041, to justify their sell-out plan of Burnaby's lands to the highest bidders. They like to portray this "expected" population growth number as if it was demand driven, determined by some sophisticated projection method by Metro Vancouver. It is not. Reality is this number is a "commitment" of Corrigan/Pellettier themselves to Metro Vancouver. It is based on Corrigan's crazed vision to increase the population of Burnaby by ~50% within 25 years only. Worse, the housing supply they create by plastering Burnaby full with condo apartment blocks will not help solve the housing problem a bit. People come to Burnaby because the developers behind Corrigan/Pellettier actively market this housing nationally and internationally.


Ciara Tiara
The author of this petition

#2 Re: Sell-out plan

2017-11-01 20:24:45

#1: -  

 The system sides fully with the developer.  Thanks for sharing a wealth of information. 

Transparency issues between the City and the Taxpayers who must suffer the effects of this development are growing

The City is not revealing the true extent of this planned development.  

  • The people who choose to live at that development will need to know that bus shelters to Market Crossing, the closest shopping mall, are filthy because the city crews that service the shelter and collect garbage that fills it only do so on a complaint basis.
  • The city must send clean up crews on request to collect dumping violations along Byrnepark because no City crew checks for violations on any basis at all. 
  • The R.O.W. entrance to the "19 acres"  of Byrne Woods Park (Mayor is misinformed: it is 10 acres) is hidden under blackberry bramble.
  • Any walk or drive along Southwynde shows the inadequacy of parking for 2 car families. The plan for development is only on 3 acres.  Where will cars park that overflow the underground?  Southridge Drive, its southern boundary is a highway and Byrnepark cannot handle two extra lanes of cars blocking its north-south flow.