Help Sally stay


So family and friends. It would appear that the Australian government are still refusing to grant me a permanent VISA and I am now at serious risk of being deported due to my health. The battle is not over yet and I'm still fighting to the end.
Be prepared to see various new Facebook pages, petitions etc popping up to help me in my quest to stay with my family.
I hope I can have your support to keep me going.
I don't want any I'm sorry's or offers of spare rooms. Only positive comments accepted!!



This is a post that Sally has put on her timeline to let family and friends know what's happening with her visa application !

Sally is the wife of a very dear family friend

As you can see things not looking positive for Sally .
We need help to support Sally and to HELP SALLY STAY !!!
Sally's husband of more than 20 years is Australian BORN and they have lived here for more than 5 years and have invested in Australia after very recently moving into their new home in Horsley

Sally has been refused a visa due to ill health !
Sally is currently on dialysis 3 days per week and needs a kidney transplant !
Sally cannot go on transplant list here as she not resident but also can't go on list in UK as she is not living there either !!!

Sally has been told that she has no work skills that Australia wants and her health condition is not Australia's problem , despite the UK paying her medical expenses through a reciprocal agreement with Australia... Expenses that would be greatly reduced with a transplant for which Sally has family and friends here willing to donate if compatible !

Despite her illness Sally works in a voluntary position on the two days days she doesn't attend hospital for dialysis and has a wide network of friends .
Her husband and her adult son have both been gainfully employed since arriving in Australia nearly 5 yrs ago .

We will be putting together a petition and if as many people as possible can sign it and HELP SALLY STAY !

Please no negative comments !!