Help! We Must Stop the Proposed Rezoning for the Warehouse/Distribution Hub at PGBT and Liberty Grove Road!


I am asking that you sign this petition to express your opposition to the proposed rezoning of the land located east of the PGBT and north of Liberty Grove Road, to develop a 165-Acre Warehouse/Distribution Hub. If approved, this development will:

  • Cause our home values to plummet
  • Cause truck traffic from 18-wheeler tractor trailers, which will add traffic congestion, possibly cause damage to our roads, and cause 24-7 noise disruption from idling and moving trucks due to a proposal of 24-7 warehouse operation, as well as noise from material handling
  • Light pollution from building wall packs and proposed 80 ft. light poles that are sure to enter into our homes
  • Bring low-wage jobs to our area that do not add any value to our ecomony nor would have any positive impact on tax base
  • Potential runoff hazard that could enter Muddy Creek, and possibly contaminate our water supply
  • Take away from the tranquility and attractiveness of our area

Thank you for your time and consideration. We must stand together to stop this project and protect the integrity of our homes!

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