Improve Air Connectivity to Kullu District for Sustainable Tourism and Disaster Management

Dear Fellow Stakeholders and Residents,

I hope this message finds you well. I write to you as a member of our vibrant tourism industry and a responsible citizen deeply concerned about the connectivity and sustainability issues affecting our beloved Kullu in Himachal Pradesh.

The unfortunate impact of the recent devastating floods, which washed away significant sections of our national highway, whose wrath did not spare life or property; underscores the vital need to diversify our modes of transportation. Being overly dependent on road connectivity exposes us to the whims of unpredictable natural disasters, leading to undue disruptions to our economy, and more importantly, our way of life.

This catastrophe brought to the forefront a problem we already knew well, inadequate air connectivity to our region. We currently have only one airline operator servicing Bhuntar Airport, leading to a monopolistic situation where prices are arbitrary and consumer rights can be compromised. And the experience provided is sub-standard.

In light of these challenges, we are rallying together to petition for the following:

  • An increase in the daily flight limit to a minimum of 5-10 at Bhuntar Airport.
  • Encouragement of other airlines with ATR capability to service our region.
  • Implementation of Udan scheme policies across all flights to our region.
  • Price control measures to prevent exploitative pricing practices.
  • Extension of Bhuntar Airport's runway length to accommodate larger aircrafts.
  • Initiation of helicopter services connecting Manali with Kullu, as well as links to Mandi, Sundernagar, and other viable spots in the lower western Himalayas.

We believe these changes will greatly enhance our district's air connectivity, promoting sustainable tourism and aid in disaster management. We understand the complexity of these issues, but we are confident that with collective action and persistent advocacy, we can achieve a future where tourism thrives in harmony with our unique natural landscape.

Therefore, we humbly ask for your support. Please sign this petition and join us in advocating for an improved, sustainable future for the Kullu district.

Together, we can make a difference.


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