Improving CA Science Education (AB 2565 amendment)

Dear Assembly Member Rubio,

The State of California has made great strides in advancing TK-12 science teaching and learning over the past decade. Despite these advancements, the members of the CA TK-12 science education community are deeply concerned about the current state of science education. Our concern is considerably heightened in respect to TK-5 science education. Due to a lack of state funding for teacher and administrator professional development, a lack of funding and support for an infrastructure for our community, and concerns related to limited time during the TK-5 instructional day for science, California’s 58 counties have experienced an uneven and inequitable deployment of the CA Next Generation Science Standards (CA NGSS) and the CA Science Framework. We believe that these deficiencies have had a direct impact on our students, as evidenced by low test scores on the California Science Test (CAST) for the 2018-2019 and 2020-2021 school years. We believe that AB 2565, as amended, will provide our community with the funding that we require to design, deliver, and implement those resources and professional learning experiences that will greatly improve science teaching and learning in California, and in turn, students’ CAST scores. As such, we, the undersigned individuals, are emphatic in our collective support for AB 2565.

AB 2565 Proposal: 

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