In Favor of FUMC Maumelle Discernment

The members of FUMC Maumelle would like to support the Board member decision to go ahead with the discernment.  We feel it is important for all members of the church to have access to the information provided throughout the discernment process. We are not influencing members to vote a certain way, simply asking for the right to make an informed decision. 


What is the discernment process:

The discernment process was created by our Annual Conference. It is a 90 day period where we have 3 informational meetings. The list of speakers is made up of people for staying UMC and people for leaving UMC. All speakers have been approved by the Bishop and Cabinet. The last step in discernment is voting for whichever side you feel is best. Without a discernment, we are essentially voting to stay UMC. 

If you have more questions, comments or concerns please feel free to reach out. 

Melissa Pruitt 


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