In the support of Joe L. Williams

Hello everyone. Some of you who know me may also know my boyfriend Joe Williams... On February 3, 2022 he was arrested and wrongfully accused of something he didn't do... Someone made a statement saying that he was at the scene of a crime that took place resulting in a victim getting stabbed multiple times...He is now being held in Aiken County Detention Center on behalf of the situation with no bond. No evidence had been sent in to his PD for the incident...Their basically holding him for no reason. Joe Williams is a great person. He helps our community (Colony woods) out in so many ways, from DJing, cooking on the grill, renting bouncy houses for the kids, riding bikes and 4wheelers with them, buying a basketball goal for all the kids to use here...Joe hasn't been in any trouble since he's been out of prison.(3years) We all misses him dearly. It's been a rough 2 months without him. We need Joe back...So I need everyone who feels exactly where I'm coming from to take one minute out of your busy schedule to sign this petition on Joe Williams behalf....

Thanks Calizza BIMG_20200502_214031.jpg

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