Increase rate of 10% for all Medicaid residents who live in adult care foster homes in Oregon!

Dear Oregon Gov. Kate Brown,

We, the adult foster care providers have been affected by the COVID-19, too. Recently the state approved a pay increase of 10% for all Medicaid residents  who live in assisted living facilities, residential care facilities and other facilities. One more time we feel discriminated as bussiness and denied the same increase as all other care facilities in Oregon. We provide 24 hour care to the most fragile population and veterans. We are currently following all the precautions to limit the exposure of our residents to the new COVID-19. This implies to offer pay increase to our caregivers and invest more money in PPEs. We would like to be treated as equal in the pay increases that occur for all Medicaid residents in Oregon. We offer same or better quality services than other facilities. The Medicaid rates should be uniform for all facilities for the same care of a resident. We feel discriminated one more time and as a small bussiness it is very difficult for us to fight with bigger corporations. 

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