Keep Savoy one.

The Savoy screen one is a magical place. A grand throwback to the olden days of Picture House's.

Word has it its to close and be split into a number of smaller and more sterile screens to generate cash. 

It's a sad reflection on our current cinematic experience that the cinema group IMC that runs the old lady of O'Connell street are allowing this to happen. At the turn of the last century there were 56 privately run independent picture houses within a mile radius of O'Connoll street. Few remain. What does that say about us?

Going to a packed grand cinema is one of the rare treats of peoples week. Let's not destroy this. 

Per capita, Ireland has the largest cinema going attendences in Europe. We love the Pictures. 

Clearly a packed house on Friday and Saturday evenings is not sufficient for the owners.

Let's remind the owners that the customers who place their bums on their seats and their over priced popcorn in our bellies are always right.

Keep Savoy one.

Make a point (for yourself)Screenshot_20171013-2015311.jpg

Paul Butler Lennox    Contact the author of the petition