No LAUSD medical mandate for C19 vaccine

LAUSD had decided that all children over the age of 12 should be required to get the expiramental COVID 19 vaccination in order to remain enrolled in person schooling. If the child fails to get the first dose of the vaccine by 11/21/2021 they will be transferred to on-line instruction.

LAUSD failed to allow parents to publicly comment on the matter before voting to make this vaccine a requirement to attend school.

The clinical trials for this vaccine are going on at this time and will not conclude until 2024. Children are not high risk of catching COVID 19. This vaccine is causing heart problems in our children. Not to mention the number of children that were given the incorrect does of the vaccine. LAUSD indicates that you are implying consent to issue the vaccine if you send your children to school! 

Sign here today to show your support of LAUSD not requiring this experimental vaccination for our children. 

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