Objection Petition against application from Michael Lekhuleni Trust (TT4677/2014) to amend the Marloth Park Town Planning scheme ,2000 for Erven 138, 139,124,125 and 137 Marloth Park Holiday Township

We as owners and rate payers of Marloth Park hereby strongly object against the proposed application to consolidate the abovementioned ervens and to rezone from residential 1 to residential 2 to allow for building of a two storey block dwelling units. The basis of the objection is that:
1. The notice which was dated the 26th June 2020 was only placed and saw by residents on and about the 22nd/23rd July 2020. This is totally unacceptable as Interested and affected parties have 30 days to respond to such a ludicrous application.
2. It is required that Environmental Assessment Impact study be done due to the location and nature of Marloth Park.
3. There is no sewerage system in Marloth Park that can carry this type of development.   
4. The Road Infrastructure is inadequate to allow for such a development to be even considered.  
5. This development will aggravate and increase massive amount of Noise pollution which is against the grain and reason for living in Marloth Park.  
6. The area is designed as a Wildlife sanctuary and this proposed construction and development does not contribute to the overall aesthetics and design of the area.  
7. We demand an urgent public meeting to allow for open engagement and to allow residents to raise the necessary questions and concerns. 

Marloth Park  

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