Offer Written Version of Exams for April 2020 Session

Hello. I write to you on behalf of the undersigned to cordially request that a written version of exams be offered. oral exams may seem like the simplest option for some, but for many of us, they are a huge disadvantage due to a myriad of reasons, including anxiety, language barriers, and whatever personal problems anyone might have. beyond this, as we're all aware this is a uniquely stressful time, and plenty of us are plagued with existential anxieties on top of any exam-related anxiety we may be facing. so many of us thrive when we can study in groups, and the typical routines that we had come to rely on have been all but rendered useless. all this considered, I believe it's most fair for the school to be aware of these aspects of this experience, and hopefully to adapt accordingly. we all have to at this time. 

we please urge you to consider our request and offer, as an alternative to an oral exam taken over skype, some sort of written version of the exam for us to take. some proposals for how to do this is as follows: perhaps something similar to what was offered to us in our entry application: a timed text box where we answered questions in real-time, or a research paper or critical essay on a chosen related topic (validated by the professor of course. )

considering that we are going through an international crisis and in isolation that many of us have never experienced before, I believe it is prudent and would behoove both administration and student body to offer MORE variety, not less, in the modalities for exams. now is the time to take the pressure off people, not put more on. all of us would like to succeed and graduate in a timely manner, and I'm sure it could be less stressful for professors to lighten the skype load and use a variety of exam modalities to their advantage as well.

thank you,

undersigned unisg students 

Giulia Alvarez-Katz    Contact the author of the petition

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