As Waitaki District residents ,ratepayers, landowners ,businesses and workers we oppose these extensive ‘mapped overlays’ which would impose unworkable regulations, serious barriers and costly impositions for landowners who wish to carry out ordinary activities on their land. Many ratepayers’ private family houses and sections are included in  these Waitaki District Council overlays.   

These ‘mapped overlays’ are unnecessary additions to our existing strict Waitaki District Council planning requirements which protect the environment, natural character and Maori heritage.  

The 2022 Waitaki Draft District Plan Map -classifies hundreds of thousands of hectares of the district land with 'natural environment mapped overlays'.

Consequently  vast tracts  of the privately owned land in the Waitaki District may be devalued by  these extensively 'mapped overlays of   natural environment' - ‘outstanding natural landscape,’ ‘outstanding natural features,’ ‘significant natural areas,’ ‘significant natural features’ and ‘rural scenic landscapes.’ In many situations these overlays may prevent or restrict new activities and development on private land.

Cultural ‘mapped overlays’ could require private landowners of 35,000 hectares of the District to pay fees to an iwi appointed consultant, and obtain its approval, before carrying out traditional activities like building a barn or irrigating pasture. Cultural overlays,'sites and areas of significance to Maori' would be listed on landowners Land Title -LIM Report. 

We support initiatives that work in positive partnerships with landowners (such as QEII Covenants, and Heritage NZ Pouhere Taonga Law) to protect natural and cultural values on private land. 

Generations of local property owners who have looked after the natural and cultural values on their land will be penalised by this Waitaki draft district plan. 

We cannot rely on farming being the ‘economic engine’ of the Waitaki District ,producing food and creating employment ,if we place unreasonable regulatory roadblocks and costly planning procedures on our farmers and landowners in perpetuity.

Private property rights need to be protected in our NZ democracy.

We ask that the  Waitaki District Council immediately halt all further progression on matters of 'natural environment and cultural mapped overlays' in the  Waitaki Draft  District Plan.

In support we ask you , your family,friends and neighbours to sign this petition.

Concerned Waitaki District Residents: Jan Wheeler, Simon Williamson, Jane Smith, Ian Carter & Kate Macgregor    Contact the author of the petition

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