As concerned volunteers from Mpumalanga, we are writing this petition to express our deep concern about the issue of leadership in Mpumalanga which is affecting the progress and smooth running of the province.

As members and volunteers of this movement we feel that it is our collective responsibility to take action and demand change.

Petition details:
1. Acting contrary from the drafted constitution of MK as stated Rule: 2 (2.1) (MK Constitution)
2. Disregarding rule 3. (3.7) (MK constitution) freedom of speech and free circulation of information within the organization, by refusing members to only listen to his ideas by force.
3. Disregarding rule 9 (9.2) of the constitution by establishing provincial offices
4. Bullying and intimidation of comrades (calling meetings in presence of people displaying firearms and ammunition)
5. He breeds separation, misunderstanding and hostility between comrades
6. Lacks political tolerance: victims in all regions are slowly leaving our movement
7. With proof he threatened to kill for power and dividing and sabotaging the organization in our province
8. Andries Muzikayifani still leading his Political Party Assegaai Independent Movement of South Africa (AIMSA) while claiming to be a member of MK

Therefore, this petition is urge the national office of MK Party to take action and address this issue in relation to the above mentioned points, for the progress and encouragement of our members and community at lager to vote for MK and obtain the two-thirds majority as Nxamalala’s wish.

Your signatures will be crucial in bringing about change and ensuring that all volunteers of MK and supporters are treated fairly and with dignity.

By signing we believe that the removal of Andries Muzikayifani Gamede would go a long way towards addressing this issue and improving the lives of those affected by it. This is the only way to save and run smooth two-thirds majority program in the province

By signing, it will be plea for the national to consider the request and take immediate action to make a positive change in Mpumalanga.

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