Petition to City Council, City of Peosta, Iowa

Petition summary and background: The City of Peosta is considering a re-zone of SW SW – SEC 03 T88N R1E; LOT 2 CLEMENS ADDITION; from A-1 (Agricultural) to M-2 (Heavy Industrial). Currently, this area is being used as a private quarry and this re-zone opens it up to a host of industrial use options, including sanitary landfill, junk yard, salvage yard, sewage or garbage plant, rock quarry, etc.  Location is shown on the attached letter below, this is the property on the North side of the railroad tracks near Cox Springs Rd.

Action petitioned for: We, the undersigned, are concerned citizens who urge our leaders to act now to vote down this re-zone.

A letter was sent to a small number of people around the community and hearing is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12th at 6pm at Peosta City Hall.  


Concerned Residents of Peosta    Contact the author of the petition

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