Petition to Expel Seditious Members of Congress

We, the undersigned, affix our names hereto to demand the expulsion from Congress of members who publicly stated their intention to subvert the will of the people as expressed in lawfully certified election results, and would object to the peaceful transition of power cemented in the Constitution, and state as follows:  

In the Constitution, the Founding Fathers enshrined one principle above all others; that this land, unlike the hereditary monarchies of Europe, would be a place where the people would be self-governing, and that the will of the majority as expressed in free elections would determine who would be elevated to leadership and granted the right and power to govern.  While the definition of “the people” has expanded over the years, the fundamental principal behind it has not. Above all things, the United States of America is a country that honors the concept of the peaceful transition of power.  

Every member of Congress swears an oath to protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and in doing so swears allegiance to the principle of the peaceful transition of power.  Essentially, they swear to give up power by the same process that they attained it, should their constituents so desire it. Every member of Congress who publicly stated that he or she would no longer honor that obligation, cannot and should not be allowed to serve and protect the Constitution, and cannot be trusted to abide by its most fundamental principles in the future.    

No matter their reasoning, those who stated that they would “refuse to accept” certified election results inspired and fomented the violent attack and infiltration of the United States Capital building by seditionists, as surely as they undermined the social contract that binds this vast and diverse land together. No external enemy could have ever done as much damage to the United States as those members did from their haughty bully pulpits.   

Their actions were without excuse or justification, as all of them knew that the claims of election “fraud” were never substantiated -not in any of the more than fifty cases that were filed by the Trump legal team-and because not a single member objected to the result as it pertained to their own election. Their efforts were mendacious, and without any moral or logical grounding whatsoever.  

Even if some members had serious concerns about election procedures, as members of Congress, they were in a position to launch investigations, or to seek clarification from officials. The dissenting members did not do so because they didn’t want answers to legitimate questions.  They wanted a different result and thought they could bully their way into one.  It cannot be stated more plainly:  the only alternative to peaceful transition of power is violence.  And that is precisely what the dishonorable members of Congress invited upon the People’s House. 

Not only did they know that violence would ensue, but they encouraged those who were gathered, called them heroes and patriots, egged them on and incited them to take out their frustrations in the most despicable way.   The members who encouraged and incited the violent terrorists abrogated their oaths of office, deeply damaged the Constitution and the global standing of the United States of America, and brought shame upon themselves and on the United States Congress.

For these reasons, members of Congress who publicly expressed support for, or engagement in, the rejection of the certified election result must be expelled from Congress, and new elections be held wherever required by law.

Pamela M. Keith, Esq.    Contact the author of the petition

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