Petition to stop Ivy Board from accepting Master Association settlement


The Ivy Board has a fiduciary and ethical duty to represent the best financial interests of Ivy owners, including oversight of funds to stop improper self-enrichment;

Your Ivy Representative to the Master Association, Christine Michaels, has been unlawfully excluded from The Master Association meetings where critical lawsuit issues, including possible settlement, has been discussed; additionally she has been illegally ejected from Master Association without them having even legal right to do so; Ivy Representative input during such meeting is critical to stop repeated wrongdoing into the future. Excluding the Ivy rep prevents her from protecting owners and their investment. As of now, Ivy illegally has no representation in the Master Association.

The fundamental point of the lawsuit was to stand up to flagrant unlawful behavior of the Master Association board. Accepting the settlement terms when they have been arrived to in such an illegal and purposefully untransparent manner is aiding and abetting the Master Association's illegal actions and runs counter to the intent of the lawsuit being settled.


I, as an Ivy owner, fervently insist the board does not accept the settlement to the lawsuit, and instead continues the lawsuit with great effort to yield a satisfactory outcome.

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