Reconsider TJHS Covid-19 attendance policy

Forcing sick students to attend school in person for the sake of attendance has always been an issue, even more so now considering we are in the midst of a pandemic. We are, however, lucky to have the gift of technology, something that can connect us from afar while not risking the spread of Coronavirus. Placing students in the position to decide between attending school with symptoms or lose their attendance, is dangerous; especially when the option of attending online is a reality for us. Thomas Jefferson High School's administration should be upmost concerned with the safety of their students and staff, working to minimize the potential of spreading the virus. By placing students between the choice of attendance and their own health, cases are sure to increase upon returning. If students are attending their online classes, arriving on time and showing presence, there is no reason to mark them absent. This is not only a benefit for the high school (the benefit being the decreased chance of spread) but it is also common sense. Our online classes are live classes, happening in real time just as if we were physically in the classroom. Attending online vs attending in person has no difference, except for the increased risk of catching and spreading Coronavirus. We are still in a pandemic, this is not the correct time to hold attendance over the heads of potentially infected students. A reconsideration of the new hybrid attendance policy is required and the health of Thomas Jefferson staff and students depend on it. 

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