Recruit Lady Sidney Powell to save the Republic

If you sign this petition, you hereby join an class of American Citizens who have have been disenfranchised in the 3-November-2020 Election, and request that Sidney Powell represent your grievances in a court of law. 


An open-letter of appeal to Ms. Sidney Powell:


Dear Ms Sidney Powell:

As you know, the integrity of our election process is much bigger than Trump or Biden winning the presidency.  And you are uniquely qualified to save the legitimacy of this precious American institution.  Please consider this proposal. 

In your book, “License to Lie” , you detailed the corruption in the FBI, CIA and Courts.  You are keenly aware of lies, deceit and malevolent behavior by the powerful people in the administrative state.  Your skill and courage in taking on the Michael Flynn case has stopped the prosecutorial abuse of Gen. Flynn, and you have single handedly brought it to a stalemate- this is an amazing tactical success!- and you have driven Judge Emmet Sullivan literally insane and into the fetal position.

From current news report I understand today you are engaged with the Trump legal team to expose the Election Fraud and are pursuing multiple legal pathways to expose the Lies and Deceit.  I admonish you to prosecute a narrative that is allowable in the today’s cultural zeitgeist.  

First question to you is, “Who is the client?”.    Do you represent Donald Trump as an individual? or represent a class of the American People.   I strongly suggest that your client should be the millions of American citizens who had their vote stolen.   Here is why: ·       

A) Donald Trump is so hated by the political class that even the most iron-clad evidence of election fraud will only make the Court and judges double-down in their lies and deceit.  Judge Emmet Sullivan is perfect example.  Fighting for Donald Trump the individual generates to much hatred from emotional people, including judges, that they will not apply the rule of law.  Michael Flynn’s case is exhibit A. ·       

B) However, if you represent a class of the American People, and defend the principle of “free and fair elections”, then you are on a narrative battlefield you can win on.  Antifa has declared war against free and fair elections, but even CNN and Democrats have not yet said that rigged elections is okay. That is coming, but you will be one step ahead.  4-D chess move.  

The Second question to you is, “Do you defend or prosecute?”.    Ideally you could be deputized by AG Barr and criminally prosecute election individuals for voter fraud.  

A) Penalizing individuals for fraud, including jail time, would establish the cultural narrative that election fraud is real and widespread.  The media narrative that “Trump claims voter fraud- without evidence” is exactly the battlefield hill that we are currently on.   Strategically understand the current narrative battlefield, and what is possible and what is impossible.  Win the current battle, not the war.  I believe that you can single handedly win this narrative battle, and ultimately help Donald Trump more than if you defend him personally.

B) If you cannot be deputized as a prosecutor, or perhaps hired onto a team of criminal prosecutors, then file a class-action lawsuit on behalf of the American People.  Demand a tort, for the victims of having made their vote stolen, and outline the crimes and deceit.  Exposure of the crime is the next best strategy- even if people do not go to jail.  Identify the perpetrators as middle-level election administrators in the various states.  These individuals will not be as stalwartly protected by the administrative state. 

If you declare the CIA, or Norm Eisen, or James Comey (…) as targets in the lawsuit, you will be crushed by their weapons and the mainstream media in this narrative warfare.  Start with low level people and hint that later lawsuits are coming.      

Ms. Powell, you are the USA Republic’s Obi-Won Kenobi.  Our last chance.  Please help us.  


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