Reduction of Semester fees and extension of due date in Jamia Hamdard University New Delhi.

Corona virus pandemic has affected each one of us one way or the way. Not just health wise but it has shaken the economy and so does our family's finances. It's been almost five months since the lockdown was imposed in our country and even today all the school colleges and other educational institutions are shut down. There has been no classes since 5 months but we are still asked to pay the full amount of fees that to with a deadline of one week. While many of us are still in lockdown because we come from different regions of the country, we are expected to pay the amount, irrespective of the fact that the past few months have been a hit on our pockets. We did not avail the college facilities for a long time but are still compelled to deposit this hefty amount. It's innappropriate to see the college authorities ask for exam fees when the exams were conducted in online form. Why are we asked full amount when we were merely given 2-3 online classes in this whole five months? The faculty members are given half their salaries but why are we asked to pay the full amount? We therefore request a reduction in our fee amount considering all the current scenarios and aspects. 

Alot of us are facing financial crisis, and definitely won't be able to arrange 45 thousand rupees in just one week. If not the reduction, provide us with the extension in due date without any fine. Grant us the relaxation in due date until the commencement of new session. Because alot us don't use online payment methods or NetBanking and this isn't the right time to ask for this heavy amount.

And this is the motive of this petition. And our signatures are very important.

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