Restore Delaware County Chamber as County Tourism Partner

We believe that the Delaware County Board of Supervisors was wrong to terminate their relationship with the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce and request that the board re-vote on the issue.

Since the early 1960s, the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce has been the county’s tourism promotion agency. At the November 23 meeting of the Delaware County Board of Supervisors, members voted 14-3 to remove that function from the Chamber and “temporarily” turn promoting tourism over to the Delaware County Economic Development department, which has minimal experience with tourism.

One reason given was an audit of the chamber’s tourism funds, but that was not a primary reason - the primary reason was political. Middletown Town Supervisor Patrick Davis said that his reason was “personal” because chamber board president Todd Pascarella ran against him. Chamber secretary Lillian Browne-Burdick also ran for Walton supervisor against Joseph Cetta, who said he was voting no because he didn’t like recent management of the chamber.  In addition, the Chamber’s support of legal cannabis sales led Harpersfield Supervisor James Eisel to claim that the Chamber has become too “political.”

In fact, what is too “political” is the Supervisors; blatant retribution to the chamber members’ running against incumbent officials. Chamber members have the right to run for office, just like any citizen of Delaware County. The Chamber has the right to have an opinion and promote a legal business. The county’s action regarding the chamber is the latest in a long history of pure political retribution and abuse of power by some board members. It sets a precedent that candidates for public office may not belong to public service organizations or contradict the current board, which is absurd and will prevent community-minded individuals from running.

We deserve a county government that represents and prioritizes our interests, as citizens, taxpayers and business owners, ahead of the personal and political self interests of the members of the Board of Supervisors. We hereby petition the Delaware County Board of Supervisors to re-vote on this issue, and reinstate the Delaware County Chamber of Commerce as the tourism promotion partner for Delaware County.

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