Say NO to more traffic and parking chaos in Glenmore Park

PETITION - Objection to the size and scale of proposed DA19/0419 to build 142-bed Aged Care Facility located 5 -7 Floribunda Avenue, Glenmore Park NSW on the following grounds:

1) It is not in the public interest to build this massive development, which contravenes Council Provisions for the current R2 zoning, which is for low density residential development without adequate provision of parking spaces and traffic management

2) The developer seeks to promote their own commercial interest at the cost of the public interest by submitting a plan, which maximises the number of beds to meet profit margins and reducing the number of car spaces to reduce construction cost.

3) The DA submitted does not address the problems created by this commercially driven proposal which will cause parking chaos in the surrounding streets which are too narrow to accommodate the overflow of cars when there is unavailable parking onsite for the facility.

4) The facility will be a 24/7 operating hours with unrestricted visiting hours and 24 hour staffing roster and shift changes, which due to the inadequate parking will result in cars being parked 24/7 on kerbsides and nature strips of the narrow streets in the affected areas of Glenmore Park.

5) Due to the narrow streets in Glenmore Park, the cars parked on the kerbsides will restricted traffic flow causing more traffic snarls in the already congested roads at peak hours with only one exit to Mulgoa Road and three feeder roads in the estate to this exit. The access and exit of the development is located at one of the bottlenecks of traffic flow.

6) The issue of pedestrians not being able to have safe access, due to parked cars, along the narrow streets is not in the public interest of the residents.

7) The noise and headlights the cars throughout the night will affect the sleep of the families and is not in the public interest of the residents

8) It is not in the public interest to have to pay the cost in terms of safety, inconvenience, nuisance, noise and light pollution as well as time sitting in traffic so that the developers can evade their obligations to build a compliant construction in order to be commercially viable.

I hereby petition the Western Sydney City Planning Panel not to approve the plan as submitted in the parts where it contravenes Penrith Council LEP provisions, as it is not in the public interest to do so. The reduction of the number of beds for a compliant development, will not cause a critical shortage in the provision of sufficient Aged Care beds for the overall population as the total supply from other sites will meet the long term strategy of the NSW Government forward planning initiative to meet future community needs. 


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