Spring Valley, MN City Administrator position. Out with the Old! In with the new!

Spring Valley as a City has sat stagnant for many years with little growth!! It is time for a Change and in my opinion and from what I've gather from community members is it really starts with our City Administrator position. It is a hired Position done by our Mayor Tony Archer and Elected City Council. I have personally been lied to and railroaded by the City at the hand of Deb Zimmer(City Administrator)

She has got to go!! She's bad for business and bad for the City!! 

Just as Chris Danielson said about our previous EDA DIRECTOR  “I’d like to make a motion, and that’s that I’d like to see us get somebody new in, with fresh eyes,… and new ideas.”....

I couldn't agree more with this statement holding true about Deb Zimmer as well.

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