Stonewall Residents Against Blended Development & Mixed Lot Sizes

The Town of Stonewall will be discussing the possibility of a "Blended Development" of approximiately 45 +/- acres fronting Hwy 3276. This development would require a mix of lot sizes from 11,200 sq ft to 6000 sq ft. 

This would create a situation where up to 4-6 homes can be built on each acre of land. Considering the population growing pains that Stonewall is already experiencing (I.e. schools at max capacity, poor road conditions) and the burden it will add to our water system and our limited emergency response personell we are asking residents of Stonewall to speak up and against this zoning consideration. 

Please sign this petition if you are in agreement and it will be presented at the Planning & Zoning Commission meeting on February 11th, 2021 at 6 PM. 

Please sign only if you live inside the town limits of Stonewall, La. 

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