Support Tweed Volunteer Fire Fighters

7CB77DA6-9866-46BA-A5FC-2A572F58555C.jpegAs of January 8,2022 Tweed Municipal Council has suspended 6 full time volunteer Fire fighters of their services from the Tweed Fire Department due to the Mandatory Vaccine Policy By-Law 2021-73 they have put into effect. 
  The loss off these volunteers is catastrophic for our small community; loosing nearly 25% of our force with a total of almost 50 years of experience.Mayor Albert and Fire Cheif Little have reassured there is no risk of public safety; due to lack of volunteers within our own community. Mutual aid from neighboring municipalities may now need to be called in for help (Majority of these municipalities have not mandated their volunteers to be vaccinated; including Stirling/Rawdon Township who also shares Derrick Little with Tweed as Fire Cheif) Any unvaccinated volunteers from mutual aid will not be able to respond to any calls within the Municipality of Tweed; therefore mutual aid maybe limited. Having to wait the extra 20 + minutes for mutual aid to arrive could possibly mean the  difference of life or death.


Lisa Ray-Latchford    Contact the author of the petition

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