The Right to Keep Chickens

We propose revision of the Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions and Management Policies for Timber Lakes Estates (the “Declaration”) Article 10.13 to allow the keeping of chickens in Timber Lakes subject to the same restrictions presently in place for other animals.

The recently revised Timber Lakes CC&R's read as follows:

"10.13 Animals. Animals generally kept in households such as dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters, and rabbits may be kept in the Development subject to the rules and requirements of this Declaration. No livestock, farm animals, or chickens. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no animal may be kept within a Lot which is raised, bred, kept, or maintained for any commercial purposes or is a nuisance. All animals are subject to the Rules adopted by the Board. No commercial breeding or hobby breeding is allowed in the development. All dogs must have a name tag and collar."

We petition the Association to revise Article 10.13 to read as follows:

"10.13 Animals. Animals such as dogs, cats, birds, fish, hamsters, chickens and rabbits may be kept in the Development subject to the rules and requirements of this Declaration. Notwithstanding the foregoing, no animal may be kept within a Lot which is raised, bred, kept, or maintained for any commercial purposes. No commercial breeding or hobby breeding is allowed in the development. All dogs must have a name tag and collar. If an animal is perceived as a nuisance, neighbors are encouraged to work out a resolution among themselves prior to making a 'nuisance' claim to the Association Manager."


Michael & Tiffany Murphy, Lot 849    Contact the author of the petition

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