We the residents of Garsfontein and surrounding areas, request that the City of Tshwane take URGENT action to remove the ever-growing number of squatters/vagrants living in Jimmy Aves park so that the park can be locked at night as per the times displayed at the park.  The City must ensure regular bylaw enforcement at the park.

The city should also ensure that the people removed from the park do not invade other public parks, spaces, or land in Ward 45 and surrounding areas.

Jimmy Aves Park is a public park that has been hijacked for living areas for vagrants.  They use the watercourse for toilets, bathing and washing of their clothes.  They make fires to cook and to stay warm.  They put up structures at night to sleep, like tents. The Wetland has been destroyed and residents are no longer safe visiting the park. Children can no longer play in the park as it is unsafe.  Substances are being sold there and used in a public park, there is prostitution and the park is used as a hiding place for criminals especially after dark.


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