Virgin Active Northern Beaches - Member Petition

Below are a serious of requests from members, many of whom are long-term members of Virgin Active Frenchs Forest.  Please consider our feedback and requests.

We understand changes are necessary and we are enjoying new aspects of the gym, however we are disappointed with the current timetable offerings.  

As individuals we feel unheard and disheartened, as a whole we hope our voice will achieve change. Our member requests are:

Evening timetables

Many members are back working in the office, timetables should go back to 5.30pm, 6.00pm and 6.30pm evening classes. Popular classes have always been 6.00pm or 6.30pm. Evening classes at 5.15pm are inaccessible to many.

Yoga – Calm Please add more evening classes and one class on a weekend afternoon.

Cycle – Burn For many years members had the option of 6-8 evening Cycle (burn style) classes, currently there are 2.  Please increase the number of cycles – burn classes and push back the evening timetable. Cycle burn continues to be in high demand.

Reformer Pilates Please add more evening classes. Of the 35 Reformer Pilates classes for the week starting 6th June and 1 class was at 6.15pm.  This is unfair to full time working members.

Grid There is one class offered each evening at 5.30pm.  Full time workers struggle to get to this class.  Please move classes back to 6.00pm or 6.30pm or add another class.

Boxing The classes are multiple thank you.

Morning Timetable Members would like more classes at 7.45/8am.

Communication about timetable changes Previously class changes/cancellations were well communicated and often involved member feedback. We ask that Virgin keep members informed of any upcoming changes to the timetable and consider member feedback.

Sigantures will be collected from members and taken to Management on Monday 27th June 2022.

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