We call on gov`t and civil servants, to adhere to there own ruling that those over 60 should be at home where they are at less risk of contracting COVID-19.

The South African gov`s has once again shown us it in abilility to lead and that some regulations only apply to certain groups or ages.

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and Prevention have identified ‘older people’, specifically those who are 65 years old and older, and people with underlying medical conditions as being at a higher risk of severe illness from Covid-19; B comparison, the World Health Organisation identifies people over the age of 60 years old as ‘high risk’;
In terms of the Covid-19 regulations, the high-risk age is also 60 years and older;
In regard to underlying health risks, the CDC has recognised people with the following medical conditions as ‘high risk: moderate to severe asthma, chronic lung disease, serious heart conditions, immunocompromised people, severe obesity, diabetes, chronic kidney disease undergoing dialysis and liver disease; The National Foundation for Infectious Diseases has stated that “older” adults are at risk because their immune systems are weaker.

We call on gov`t and civil servants, to adhere to there own ruling that those over 60 should be at home where they are at less risk of contracting COVID-19. Please sign out petetion that we cant have a ruling class that is ammune to there own rule making. 


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