Keep Guardian Angels School in Chaska Open

may2018.jpgparade20191.jpgGuardian Angels Catholic School - Chaska

We would like to start a petition to let Father Tony Vanderloop, the parish leadership and archdiocese know that we are willing to do what it takes to keep Guardian Angels Catholic School open.  Please sign the petition to show your support.  Support would come in the form of helping  with a short term and long term plan, executing the plan and/or monetary assistance.  We will need to raise at least $1 Million in the long term to make improvements to the school building.  By doing this we hope to attract more families and increase enrollment.

We feel that we were not given the opportunity or option to try to help keep the school open.  The only option given was to close the school.  In order to keep the school open we would need support of Father Vanderloop to give us at least 1-2 years to try.  It is critical that we act fast as we are losing valuable time to promote enrollment and potential students are already being turned away.

Please help us keep this wonderful school open not only for currently enrolled students but for future students that would like to attend a traditional Catholic school like Guardian Angels School.

Brenda Buckley Jones - PTO Chair of Guardian Angels Catholic School    Contact the author of the petition

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