Cannabis is a medicine

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This discussion topic has been automatically created of petition Cannabis is a medicine.



2015-05-27 02:45

I no longer smoke marijuana, I am very pro-legalization. There are families that uproot their whole lives and move to other states that offer this for health reasons.

#27 Re:

2015-05-27 18:58

#11: -  

 My daughter an epileptic needs this now! She was just hospitalized after some horrific seizures! She's had 2 brain surgeries and we can't risk a 3rd..Waiting here in Maryland area...


#28 petition

2015-06-01 01:59

To further the cause. Its about damn time a plant is free to the public.  Im in a nursing home, they only keep me alive to collect my social security.  Im diabetic, have copd, neuropathy, chronic arthritis and the list goes on. Id like to believe in my lfetime im going to see some relief. God willing maybe this petition will help.



2015-08-05 00:22

Cannabis is natural and good for anything health and things and help to relax when feel sick



2015-08-05 13:49

For too many years we have been told the lie that Cannabis is bad for the Human Body, when in fact, consuming Cannabis allows our bodies to achieve Homeostasis and can cure Cancer. Humans have been using Cannabis in various forms for at least Ten Thousand (10,000) years with zero recorded deaths whereas the two most used legal drugs -Alcohol and Cigarettes- cause many many deaths every day! I have used Cannabis as medicine and I am living proof that it kills Cancer.


2021-09-11 09:07

I've heard that it is widely used in medicine, but I've never tried it