502 Producers & Processors: ACT NOW! Sign this Petition to the LCB!


#51 Re:

2016-02-10 18:22

#9: -  

 This is brilliantly composed and right on every count. Thank you for taking the time to write this...



2016-02-10 22:37

The legal recreational marijuana industry is drowning in rules and regulations that consume time and are not warranted. The "free" database is a nightmare, taking hours to do simple tasks.



2016-02-11 01:59

We need fair laws governing this industry. Forfeiture of product etc needs to be regulated and controlled by producers. Even to get license is a task with all the back ground checks and investment investigations then approval yet they still want control,over private property.


#54 Re: Re:

2016-02-11 02:14

#51: Doc - Re:  





2016-02-12 06:26

To have a voice.

#56 Yuk provision

2016-02-12 06:37

I believe some disclaimer to protect dealer, growers and processors should accompany the products including side effects of excessive use.  May be not yuk but definitely strong enough language to prevent litigating attornies making claims against the producers, processors, and retailers.  Just look what has happened to the tobaco manufactures who are still in denial and pay millions in law suits because they were unwilling to allow tranparency to the harm caused by their product.  People still smoke

and are aware of the consequences of their use of the product........No More I didn't know it was harmful.



#57 Re:

2016-02-12 09:20

#9: -  



#58 Samples under 1 oz

2016-03-23 03:05

Seems kind of silly for us licensed PP to have to carry our 4g test samples, vendors samples around in a locked box inside a locked car. The general public can walk into a store and walk out with 28g and carry it in their pockets.