Keep Thundercracker Exclusive and Recall the Impostor

Count Olaf

/ #76 Re:

2011-04-01 19:15

#74: Elias Weskerson, trueTransformers fan -  

Internet tough guy, huh? It takes one to know one. You say I can't back shit up, well neither can you.

Also, I've still got my Generations coneheads nice and snug in my Classics Decepticon collection, and nothing you can do will get me to give them up because an asshat like you decided I couldn't have them. I also will get Generations TC as well, not only to further complete my Seeker group but to also just to piss you off. Take THAT and shove it up your false-cause supporting ass.

Also, the PDF that aparently is supposed to be your whole case remains bullshit. Tell me, what relation does the "Winter vs. Natrual Resources Defense Council" have in relation to your case?