Keep Thundercracker Exclusive and Recall the Impostor

The Real Dark Seeker

/ #79 Re:

2011-04-01 19:39

#69: Elias Weskerson, trueTransformers fan -

Recall ey? Why did I just return from a local Walmart with some Dirge's I picked up for a few friends then? Why did I even see and take pictures of Dirge's STILL on the shelf at Walmarts and Targets? I'll post them up on the boards if you like seeing as how you think there's a real recall of sorts. Oh and BTW, I already got my Thundercrackers...and I'm keeping them. Further more, when I see them on the pegs, I'll buy some more just to spite you. :) UMADBRO? HAHAHAHAHAHA.

You crack me up. You get so worked up over a toy when theres more important things in life. You a champion? Wow......if you're a champion (by way of your own delusions of grandeur), I could say I'm a god. I could play the military veteran card here and say how dare you insult a veteran that fought for your right to insult me. But I'm not as low as you. But if you don't believe me, you're more than welcome to come to my house to enact your threat of physical violence so that I can show your bleeding corpse after I defend myself from your hostile acts, my copy of the DDForm 214 I have.