NO Annexing and Rezoning Parcels for Proposed Walmart Strip Mall


/ #48 no walmart, on Celanese Rd

2014-01-06 18:26

When I first moved to RH, Celanese was the 2 lane road my children used to run across to get the Rosewood School. Now it is a 5 lane parking lot for many hours each day. We DO NOT NEED anything else to add congestion to this area! There are enough grocery stores close by and this will be a gateway for Walmart to "give an inch and take a mile". I do not shop at any Walmart in the area...Rock Hill, Newport or Tega Cay. I do not want us to do anything else to promote their working practices, their made in China products and GREED. When Sam was alive and in charge, he proudly showed "Made in America" in advertising. How many of you remember those days? We neither want nor need another Walmart in our area! This proposed area could not be a worse location for the benefit of Rock Hill